Tag: Thoughts

  • Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier: 3 Relatable Struggles

    Hey there, bookworm! I’m finally back with an exciting new book review, the first one of 2024. Woohoo! This year we’ve started off strong with Daphne Du Maurier’s, Rebecca. (This was actually on my 2023 to-read list, but better late than never, right?). All I can say is wow. It’s been so long since I’ve…

  • On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan (More Lessons on Love)

    I can’t believe how much emotion and depth can be compressed in just 160 pages. McEwan is my literary hero. The way he finds the perfect balance between simplistic and intensive imagery. The way he bends, stretches and uses time in all its facets. What did the end of WW2 mean for two young British…

  • The Power of Note-Taking: 5 Reasons to Start

    In this day and age, being in the present moment can feel close to impossible. Hyper-efficiency has become the universal standard that we’re all expected to reach. Now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Who wouldn’t want to maximize their efficiency? But there is a fine line between efficiency and a mindless action. Cross the…

  • Why do Adults Stop Reading Fiction?

    Hey book-friends! So here’s a question that’s been playing on my mind. Why is it that most adults struggle reading fiction? Humour me and try this, go up and ask a random person over 25 what their favourite book is and 8/10 times you’ll hear something by the likes of Mark Manson, Roberte Greene or…