Category: Reflections

  • #1 Quote: Woman Who Run with the Wolves

    Thank you for clicking onto this series. I’m super excited about sharing my thoughts on such a beautiful take on the female psyche. One that will remain relevant and profound in any point in history. The first quote that I’d like to unpack is: When woman reassert their relationship with the wildish nature, they are…

  • The Power of Note-Taking: 5 Reasons to Start

    In this day and age, being in the present moment can feel close to impossible. Hyper-efficiency has become the universal standard that we’re all expected to reach. Now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Who wouldn’t want to maximize their efficiency? But there is a fine line between efficiency and a mindless action. Cross the…

  • 5 Simple Tips to Romanticise Reading

    I know how it feels to be in a reading slump. Maybe I’m pressed for time or maybe it’s my English degree abusing me with T.S Eliot or Wordsworth. Realizing that I can romanticize the reading experience has helped me associate reading as something exciting. I think it’s a wonderful way to reframe tasks that…

  • Imagination Shouldn’t Age: Why do Adults Stop Reading Fiction?

    Hey book-friends! So here’s a question that’s been playing on my mind. Why is it that most adults struggle to read fiction? Humour me and try this, go up and ask a random person over 25 what their favourite book is and 8/10 times you’ll hear something by the likes of Mark Manson, Roberte Greene…

  • 3 Lessons on Toxic Love from Wuthering Heights

    Analysing Wuthering Heights is like taking a 101 crash course on love counselling and psychology (can I get an amen from my English majors). Catherine and Heathcliff are without a doubt synonymous with ‘toxic behaviour,’ ‘childhood trauma,’ ‘poor communication skills,’ ’emotional abuse’ and ‘manipulation.’ Sheesh…that was the most depressingly packed sentence I’ve ever written. The…

  • Persuasion: Cracknell zooming off with her Artistic License (A Film Critique)

    Curtesy of being an English major, I’ve just completed Jane Austen’s Persuasion and felt curious to see the 2022 film adaption. Verdict? Hmm, chick-flick worthy without a doubt. We all love a good fourth-wall breaking, so check for cinematography. A++ for the set design, I’d also have a hard time leaving Kellynch Hall. The costume…

  • The Revolution of the Snowflakes: Join or be ‘cancelled’

    Over the past decade we have made significant strides in the social arena. The question is whether they’re strides that are moving our world forward or taking it back? We have 10 times the rights, 10 times the agency and yet still, we demand more. These days, the attractive word, “progressive” has got me choking…