Category: Book Reviews

Read my thoughts on a few books out there and share your own!

  • Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier: 3 Relatable Struggles

    Hey there, bookworm! I’m finally back with an exciting new book review, the first one of 2024. Woohoo! This year we’ve started off strong with Daphne Du Maurier’s, Rebecca. (This was actually on my 2023 to-read list, but better late than never, right?). All I can say is wow. It’s been so long since I’ve…

  • On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan (More Lessons on Love)

    I can’t believe how much emotion and depth can be compressed in just 160 pages. McEwan is my literary hero. The way he finds the perfect balance between simplistic and intensive imagery. The way he bends, stretches and uses time in all its facets. What did the end of WW2 mean for two young British…

  • The Cat Who Saved Books: 10 Important Lessons for every Book-Lover

    The Cat Who Saved Books by Sosuke Natsukawa, translated by Louise Heal Kawai is a remarkable tale. This is a story about courage, conviction, making a change, doing what is right, and above all understanding the power of books. Synopsis Rintaro Nastuki has just lost his grandfather. He was a quiet, wise and gentle-hearted man…

  • The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue: A Book Review

    Ever heard that saying curiosity killed the cat? Well, this cat still has nine lives, friends! So, thank you to the booktok community, and sorry for ever having doubted you. This book was worth the read. I’ve got to say that it wasn’t smooth sailing, but I made it and I loved it. Synopsis Adeline…

  • I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy

    Okay, I read it. I read one of the most popular memoirs of our decade: I’m Glad My Mother Died By Jennette McCurdy.  I’ll dive into the verdict right now. I loved this book. Despite all the criticisms (some of them just but we’ll get into that in a moment), this has been one of…

  • A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

    Hosseini has unveiled a world so overlooked in our modern age. Walking past a woman in a burqa, for me was once a glimpse of two anonymous eyes. Now I see a life and wonder many things of it. I’ve been transported to a world where a woman’s fate is determined by men, where love…

  • A New Travel Guide: The Da Vinci Code Edition

    I have finally been inducted into the Dan Brown book cult. You know it’s real when you tell your family that you’re reading The Da Vinci Code and your mom says to you: ‘you’re ready,’ and proceeds to list other controversial works to add to my TBR list. Jokes aside. This book has done everything…

  • Did You See Melody? by Sophie Hannah

    Synopsis Cara Burrows has gone to a high-clasa resort in Arizona named Swallowtail. She needs to clear her head and be away from her husband and two kids. Clearly battling with some kind of internal conflict and anger, her life goes on a 720 degree spin when a receptionist assigns her to an occupied room.…

  • The Theory of Flight by Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu

    Synopsis Between Zimbabwe’s civil war and eventual state of independence, lives a man named Golide Gumede. Golide dreams of building an aeroplane so he can take his wife to Tennessee where she can realize her dream of being a country singer like Dolly Parton. To achieve this dream means standing apart from the world. A…

  • The Well That Never Runs Dry by Joann Davis

    Why do good people suffer? Why is the world so cold and cruel? Do people truly reap what they sow? A midwife named Elizabeth wants answers. An Old Women senses her longing spirit. The women tells her that she must journey to the well that never runs dry and there, she’ll find what she is…