Category: Book Lists

  • 10 Must-Read Debut Novels by African Authors

    There’s nothing more special than an author’s first novel. Their first creation they laboured tiresly on, perhaps with little confidence, perhaps on a napkin on a train ride home, or perhaps unaware that their work would shape generations to come. In the post I wanted to share authors from Africa that took the leap. So…

  • My 2023 Booket-List : 20 Must-Reads for the Year (8/20)

    Perusing through my Goodreads and a few gorgeous book blogs, I have had a sudden desire to seize this year by going on a more intentional adventure in my reading journey. Hence, I have written a list of books that I wouldn’t read on a normal day, but that I know could impact me greatly,…

  • The Christie Completist List (13/80)

    At the Essenwood Saturday market in Durban, I could feel autumn was calmly approaching. On this day I had found The Dame of Crime. A battered and plain yellow hardcover stood out amongst a box of books, all looking like they saw centuries pass. I picked it up and saw no blurb, no description whatsoever,…